God is so splendorous...isn't He?! Last night, RiotNITE was awesome!!! You can't help but feel your heart leap and sag at such wrenching and real stories of God rescuing lives...why does He seek us so? God is very serious about flipping this world upside down and He's aggressively pursuing us to do it through...

Thanks to all the folks (how'd you like that Kash?) who came out last night and sound off on the comments what you thought/felt/etc. Bubba, Cord, Mason, & Miss Monroe...thanks for pouring your hearts out for all to see & hear.

Huge thanks to the Men's Ministry for knocking down walls!

Concert Announcement: See Flyer Below...if there's enough interest we can take a van, but everyone that want's to go needs to let me know via email (
boog@fbcmalakoff.com) or phone (903-681-5742). Sat 2/9/08 - Tyler, Tx

DNOW'08 - Deadline This Sunday-RiotLIFE - Sun. 9:45 - Get it.