You and I have this instinctive estimated height where our perifeal should spy the horizon at the termination of a forest's canopy. You know, you're running through the woods, and normally out of the corner of my eye, theres blue sky. I know thats different for everybody, but I always think i live amongst trees, and when we go to Tyler State Park i see some nice forest there, but nothing in these parts compares to the 4C National Recreation Trail in Davy Crockett National Forest. I've been there before, but it never ceases to surprise and delight. Its a flat relatively straight trail that has virtually no traffic, and no noise save the wind once you're inside. Unlike so many of the looped trails here in Texas, when you're on the 4C, you feel as if you really are going the 1800's. Personally, its on my running to do list only during this part of the year, as folks hunt there in the fall, and misquitos, snakes and crocs hunt there the rest of the time. We did some out and backs on the south half the other day, and Syp and I recorded some footage that may inspire you to see for yourself.
Also - be on the lookout for two upcoming happenings:
1. The Return of the Pledge - I'll be seeking to raise funds so that my family and I can fly to Uganda for the summer and work with 60 Feet Ministries.
2. CCCCC - Cedar Creek Cross Country Club is in the works.