Oh My Goodness Camp Money and Registration is due On Sunday the 10th that's this Sunday.....!! Every1 Needs to sign up ASAP!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
CAMP!!! Oh my goodness. Yes it is time, time to sign up for camp!! http://www.fbcmalakoff.com/message.php?formID=845 There's the online sign up form. The deposit is due May 10 It's $25, but the WHOLE enchilida is $200. Your probably thinking thats a lot of money, but when it comes to GOD what does it matter? This camp is going to be AWESOME!!!! Camp dates are: June 22-26, 2009 For more information go to fbcmalakoff.com
Now that I am able to post(thank you Boog!)I just wanted to say how muchRiotNitehas helped and changed the way I see Godand life in general. I have developed a relationship withGodand I am slowly but surely reading thebible (: Iwill try to post sometimes...WeLove YouBoog!!