Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty...

Big thanks to the guys here wednesday night. I appreciate you guys helping me be real and I'm proud of you folks for your honesty with each other & with God....relationships....that's what this year (and life for that matter) is all about. How do we relate to each other? How do we relate to God and vice-versa? It's through covenants (understandings).

RiotNITE will always be about getting real with each other & with get ready.

RiotLIFE is where we gain understanding of God's truths and the part we play in His revolution that's going to turn this place upside down.

You must plug into these power sources if you plan on changing the world (including Malakoff, Tx) more than it changes you.

I love yall.----BrotherBoog


Anonymous said...

Ok, so the blog is way cool...except for one thing!
What is the A&M site link doing on the page? I at least think UT's should be also..seeing that one of the youth group's finest will be going there soon!

thanks for all your hard work and dedication. I'm excited to hear about awesome things in Malakoff.

Small town.Big God.

marci peach said...

Wow!! Malakoff really does have some GREAT YOUNG PEOPLE!! Let's all keep praying for each other, especially as the school year is kicking in and Satan is certainly gearing up for attack!

You guys don't forget those awesome young people heading off to college, they need those prayers all the more!!

Anonymous said...

This is really kewl!:P


Anonymous said...

WOW ur working really hard boog
thanks for everything and good work on the blog

Anonymous said...

hey boog.
the blog thing is kool.
cant wait to see everone sunday.
i think i will be going to the revolve tour.
could you please pray for grandpa.
he had a stroke and its been really hard on everone.
love you !

love lindsey.